7 Key Features to Look for When Purchasing an Electric Scooter
Electric scooters are a fun, safe, and eco-friendly method of transport. If you’re looking to buy one, then you’ll need to consider these seven essential features.
Of course, one of the most important factors to take into consideration when buying an electric scooter is the price. Your budget is going to determine the quality and number of features you’re going to be able to get - low-budget machines are unlikely to have any of the bells and whistles, but machines with all of the features you might want can be quite expensive.
Typically, electric scooters are priced in the range of $300-$1500, with a solid mid-range scooter tending to run between $600 and $900. Anything under $300 is unlikely to be durable or reliable, while anything over $1500 is going to be designed largely for recreational riding or long-distance riding.
Safety Rating
The safety ratings on electric scooters are measured using Ingress Protection or IP ratings. IP ratings are used to show how machines and electronics handle exposure to water and particulates. These are represented by a two-digit code, with the first digit (particulate protection) ranging from 0 at the worst and 6 at the best and the second digit (water protection) ranging from 0 at the worst and 8 at the best.
For an electric scooter, you’ll want a rating of at least IP54, meaning it can handle light particulate exposure and splashes of water from any direction.
Safety Features
Alongside the rating, there are a few safety features you should be looking for when buying an electric scooter, including:
- A strong brake system, preferably with anti-lock technology
- Tires with solid traction
- Indicator lights for turning
- Identifying features like reflectors or a horn
These features are especially important if you are traveling in a high-traffic area like a city.
The range of your electric scooter is going to be a major part of determining its practicality for your needs. If you’re planning to ride your scooter for your commute, you’ll ideally want it to be able to make it to and from your destination on one charge. If you have a long commute or you plan to do distance riding, you may look into buying additional charging cables to have at home and with you while you travel.
The average range of an electric scooter on a single charge is between 35 and 40 mph, though some models can go 60 miles or more under ideal conditions.
The benefit of electric scooters is that almost all models are going to be more portable and convenient to travel with than many other forms of personal transportation. The level of portability you need - foldable, lightweight, etc. - will depend largely on the kind of commute you plan to use the scooter for.
It’s worth taking into consideration that if the battery dies on an electric scooter, it can still be used manually, but only if you are able to push the scooter’s weight under your own power.
Unless you plan to use the scooter for sports or long distances, the top speed of your machine is probably going to range around 15-25 mph. If speed is important to you, consider opting for a performance model that has the necessary secondary features.
Extra Features
Speaking of secondary features, there are a few other features that you might look for in an electric scooter, such as
- A headlight and/or break lights on the rear wheel
- Speakers (with or without Bluetooth connectivity)
- The ability to hold extra battery power
None of these features are strictly necessary, but they can be useful.
Looking for an electric scooter that ticks all of your boxes in each of these seven categories? Alien Rides has a wide range of the industry’s leading models for you to explore, from simple commuters to professional sport machines. With thorough testing and a generous warranty program, there’s no better place to find high-quality personal electric vehicles.
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