Begode Manual

Begode/Extreme Manual

Official App:

  1. Android: Follow the link to download APK of the app from Begode/Gotway/Extreme website
  2. iOS: The app is available on the Apple Store

Transport Mode:

  1. Turn on your EUC (right button)
  2. Find your anti-spin button (left button)
  3. Hold down the left button and click the right power button 5 times consecutively
  4. Turn off the wheel and turn back on
  5. EUC should balance now and be out of transport mode. Repeat step 3 if wheel did not balance

Repeat the process to put EUC back in transport mode
Or CLICK HERE and follow this simple video

Alarm Settings:

Is your wheel constantly beeping at 15mph or 25mph? To remove alarms from your Begode wheel, connect your wheel to the Begode app. Tap the gear in the top right of the screen, and then select alarm settings. Turn off second class alarm, and then hit save on the bottom. This will remove all alarms from the wheel except the 80% power output alarm, which you cannot turn off. 


Additional Links:

Suspension Pump Help
Calibration/Recalibration Pedal Angle

Advance: Bootloader for Begode