King Song S22 Stator Slippage and Motor Replacement
King Song S22 Stator Slippage and Motor Replacement
December, 2022 Update
New S22 motors are finally here! We are asking all customers to send in their motors so we can get you back a safe motor.
The turnaround time for each of your motors is 1 week. For example: You sent in Monday, then next Monday is your expected date for the motor to be ships out to you
Here's how the process works:
We chose this course of action since we discovered not all KS "batch 2" are pinned from the factory. Thus we must service all unpin motors first regardless of purchase date. We thank you for your patience and understanding.
1) Will you sell the new motor?
- No, we will not sell them. The one we have in stock now are to services all unpin motor
2) I already sent my motor to be pinned by you, do I need to do this again?
- Nope, happy riding!
3) How will I send my motor back inside the box?
- A return label will be included inside the box. Here's the link for guidance
October, 2022 Update
The stator can slip inside of the motor and cause a clicking noise or total loss of power by pulling stator wires during hard riding. This was identified by a King Song S22 user, but has been discovered to be a full blown systemic issue. The vendor King Song was using (ZX) failed to properly bond and secure the stator to the stator core.
King Song has been unresponsive about this issue, even deleting its own statements about the issue. They have been uncooperative in helping us resolve this issue for customers. As such, we have decided to pay for new motors since we believe they will not be fixing this on their own as a recall. Some dealers are drilling and pressing pins into the stator right now. We can do this as well, but still prefer new motors for all.
We ask all customers to stop riding their S22’s aggressively or altogether until we have new updated motors in stock. If you insist on riding, DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK. King Song has said the new motors are en route via sea shipment.
We will ship you a flat box with foam free of charge, along with a QR code link to a video on how to remove your existing motor. We will provide a return label for shipping the motor back to us. Once we receive your existing motor, we will ship out your new motor.
Immediate Fix Option:
If you are local, we can open your motor and do the industry-approved method of adding 4mm pins to hold the stator in place. If you are not local and don’t want to wait for a new motor, you are free to ship in your current motor. We will do the pin mod and ship it immediately back to you. If you choose to go with this option, you will not have the option later to get a brand new motor. Either solution is a permanent fix and the decision is up to you.
New motors for all is contingent on King Song delivering on our motor order. Recently King Song has been very unwilling to discuss the issue and has ignored our direct questions.
It is still unclear how many customers this will and has affected. We have had fewer than 10 reported cases in the past 2 months. Some have resulted in minor bruises where the stator has slipped so badly that it may have caused a full cut out. We don’t want any of our customers to get hurt or have any complaints about us as a dealer. Again, if you insist on riding, DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK.
There are some youtube videos circulating on testing the motor by grabbing a pullup bar, lifting your wheel with your calves, letting it spin to full speed forward and dropping with your whole body weight. If you attempt this test, DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK.
King Song S22 Motor Disassembly Video

Q&A Questions
1) When will I receive the box to ship my motor back?
- You will get a tracking for it as soon as it is en-route to you. Please be patient as we send out boxes to everyone.
2) How will I send my motor back inside the box?
- A return label will be included inside the box. If you did not get it inside the box, please contact us and provide your order numebr of your S22. Here's the link for guidance